


The scientific meeting brought together around twenty experts and key stakeholders as important key-informants in the field of digital health services delivery, development, and innovation, as well as in the area of human resources and digital health information systems. 


NOVA University Lisbon renowned for its strong international focus, commitment to sustainable development, and collaborative research culture has been honoured by the Technological Scouting Program.


The research is a collaboration between the research units UCIBIO, LAQV, and CENIMAT.


This is the first journal to focus on this area, and publications will focus on experimental and theoretical approaches to support and promote ongoing research.


NOVA FCT participates in the Inspiring Future project, promoted by FUTURE Association, since 2013, when the initiative started.


This award represents NOVA's continuous work and commitment to providing innovative solutions that meet the Sustainable Development Goals, an official commitment of the University.


The purpose of this initiative is to foster collaboration between the Navy, academia, and industry and provide opportunities for partnerships and cooperative initiatives that promote the identification of open and collaborative innovation projects.


The Dean of NOVA FCT stressed again that these contracts are important to structure the pedagogical and scientific policy and restore the fairness of the positions.


The awarded paper presents an alternative design and construction for a new Ionisation vacuum gauges, which aims to suppress the lack of accuracy and the fragility of the ionisation gauges that currently exist. 


Sofia Nunes, a student of the Master's program in Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine at NOVA FCT, has been recognized with the Education Scholarship 2021/2022 Jogos Santa Casa - FADU for being one of the students who stood out the most by representing Portugal in international competitions while maintaining academic excellence.


Jorge Carvalho, the Regional Secretary of Education, Science, and Technology of Madeira, visited NOVA FCT on June 23rd to learn about the Artificial Intelligence course, integrated into the Samsung Innovation Campus (SIC) and taught at NOVA FCT, as well as to identify potential partnerships.


Developed by the team of researchers of the Value for Health Laboratory CoLAB, with the scientific support of the NOVA University Lisbon, had its official launching on 20th June.
