


José Barata, Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC) at FCT NOVA, has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca in Romania, during a ceremony held on May 26th.


ERSAR is the regulator of public water supply, urban wastewater sanitation and urban waste management services in Portugal.


José Maria Nunes de Almeida Gonçalves Gomes, professor of the Department of Mathematics, was for the second year in a row chosen by the students as "Professor of the Year".


More than 50 Master's programs that assure a differentiating position in the job market and ensure above-average levels of professional success. 


The Eco-Schools project at FCT NOVA, as part of the School's commitment to sustainability and environmental preservation, held its first meeting on May 15, marking the beginning of a series of initiatives aimed at promoting sustainability within the academic community.


With this grant, the student will now have the opportunity to work at the MIT.Nano Lab of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).


Lia Vasconcelos and José Carlos Ferreira, professors and researchers at FCT NOVA, led the program Mission Nature 22 that resulted in a strategic plan for the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests (ICNF) for the protection of biodiversity.


The discovery could represent a unique opportunity to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in and around Portugal.


Both came back recently from festivals with the prize of Best Ensemble.


The investment in the teaching staff of FCT NOVA has been confirmed throughout this year in several ceremonies that promote faculty career progression and new hires.


The new master will integrate curricula that cross borders to provide state-of-the-art competencies in digital leadership and empowerment for sustainable transformation in health care.


The production with which they will perform in Brazil is the play "25 Fragments", awarded in 2022 with the Best Show Award by Portugal's largest academic theatre festival, Lisbon Annual Academic Theatre Festival.
