

Glass Art and Science: An International Collaboration


The over-arching goal of this program is to promote innovative activities and collaboration between Penn State University and the Universidade Nova de Lisboa in the art and science of glass. The specific objectives of this Workshop are twofold: to teach and practice basic skills in glassblowing and to discuss ongoing research activities in glass art and science.

Up to ten students will be eligible to take the glassblowing lessons. They are intended for beginners. No experience is required. There will be demonstrations of basic techniques combined with supervised working time in the studio. The Workshop will also include pate de verre and kiln-casting lessons and a trip to Marinha Grande. ). The faculty from both Penn State and Universidade Nova de Lisboa will present selected lectures and while the students will make presentations about their research projects, whether art, conservation or science.

If you are interested in applying for this program, you are required to file an application and submit by email to Professor Antonio Pires de Matos. (

Requirements: Graduate students from both art and science fields.