

Arquivo de notícias de January de 2017

FCT NOVA researchers create drone and robot boat to help migrants

A organização do concurso “The UAE Drone for Good Award” divulgou que o projecto “Drones 4Right2Life”, desenvolvido por André Lourenço, Francisco Marques, Ricardo Mendonça, Eduardo Pinto, Lino Quaresma, Paulo Rodrigues e José Barata, é um dos 10 finalistas na edição de 2017. 

Tender for exploratory research projects "UTAustin-Portugal Program - 2017"

"UTAustin-Portugal Program - 2017" opens tender for exploratory research projects.

FCT FABLAB Academy 2017

FCT NOVA will be the first institution in Europe to offer dual certification at the Fab Academy, with the Specialization Course in Digital Manufacturing, which started in January 2017.

Science, Technology and Society - CTS

This course is held between January and February, according to the school calendar of the respective academic year.

Transversal Competences for Science and Technology - CTCT

Transversal Competences for Science and Technology, CTCT, is a curricular unit that associates soft skills issues, so important for a successful access to the job market, with spreadsheet analytics - a tool of most utility in the area of ​​S & T.

Students plan the future in the 4th edition of Best Week

The 4th edition of the BEST Week takes place between 30 January and 1 February, at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the New University of Lisbon (FCT NOVA).


Electrical systems, equipments and materials are subject to failures that can cause the total destruction of equipments and severe power outages. For this reason it is important to know the main causes of those failures, their consequences and the procedures and tests to be performed in order to find the reasons why equipment or its materials failed.


The stage of applications for the presentation of exploratory research projects under the MIT Portugal Program is open. The deadline for submission ends on March 8TH, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. The applications are submitted through the FCT Contests page.

Professor Elvira Fortunato receives "Czochralski 2017 Award"

The Polish Academy of Sciences in conjunction with the European Society for Research on Materials (E-MRS), the Polish Society of Materials Science and the Polish Crystal Growth Society have assigned Prof. Elvira Fortunato, researcher at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the New University of Lisbon, the Czochralski 2017 award.

NOVA University of Lisbon stands out in the "QS Graduate Employability Rankings

The “Universidade Nova de Lisboa” is one of three Portuguese universities that this year are among the 200 best in the world of the British QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2017.

Team of the Department of Electrical Engineering, finalist in "The UAE Drone for

O projeto do Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica, “Drones 4Right2Life”, é um dos 10 finalistas do concurso “The UAE Drone for Good Award”  da edição de 2017.

Altran and NOVA LINCS launch "Big Data Academy"

The second edition of the "Big Data Academy" will take place in the first quarter of 2017, with a total of 10 scheduled editions.
