

Arquivo de notícias de November de 2016

Integrated Master's thesis of the Department of Material Sciences published in "

The Integrated Master in Micro and Nanotechnology Engineering dissertation entitled "Magnetotransport properties of metal / LaAIO3 / SrTiO3 heterostructures" made by student Diogo Alexandre Castro Vaz, classified with 20 values by Professor Rodrigo Martins, saw his work recognized with its publication in the well-known scientific journal "Nature Materials".

Launch of "Climate KIC Portugal"

"Climate KIC Portugal" was launched on 29 November at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, coordinated by Professor Júlia Seixas from the Department of Science and Environmental Engineering at FCT NOVA.

FCT Coding Fest - "Code Time" at FCT NOVA

About 250 students from 10 elementary schools, together by their teachers and some parents, participated in the FCT Coding Fest 2016, an FCT NOVA initiative through its Department of Informatics and NOVA LINCS.

Specialization Course in Digital Manufacture

Next January 2017, the Specialization Course in Digital Manufacturing will start. 

Women's tennis team becomes deputy national tennis champion

The women's tennis team of the NOVA University of Lisbon, made up by the students Ana Filipa Santos from FCT NOVA, Bárbara Choon from NOVA SBE and Ema Gil Pires from FCSH NOVA, won last Thursday's national team-runners-up.

Civil Engineering Department students win prize for best thesis in Italy

Students Massimo Lapi, Daniele Martini and Emilio Zagli, who, in the framework of the ERASMUS Program, carried out work leading to their "Tesi di Laurea - Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria", in the Civil Engineering Department of FCT NOVA (DEC/FCT NOVA) won the "Ing. Brunelli Sarno "sponsored by the Italian Association of Precast Concrete for the best thesis (" Tesi di Laurea ").


Encontra-se aberto concurso para a atribuição de uma bolsa de doutoramento dual degree do programa Carnegie Mellon University Portugal na área de Language Technologies/Computer Science. O aluno irá frequentar o programa de doutoramento dual degree em que passará pelo menos dois anos em cada universidade: CMU e UNL. A bolsa inclui o subsídio de manutenção mensal e as propinas.

“II International Meeting of Sociology” at FCT NOVA

It was held in the 24th and 25th November the International Meeting of Sociology (ISSOW), organized by the Portuguese Association of Professionals in Industrial Sociology, Organizations and Labor (APSIOT),  takes place at FCT NOVA.

Commemorative ceremony of the 10 years of the new Library

The 10th anniversary of the new Library of the Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia was celebrated last November 23rd.

Student of the Department of Mathematics awarded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foun

As part of the program "Incentive to Research", the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation awarded the project "Monte Carlo in the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation" developed by Diogo Alexandre Pereira, student of the Master in Mathematics and Application.

“Student Best Paper Award” granted to Thais Baldissera, PhD student of Electrica

“Student Best Paper Award” granted to Thais Baldissera, PhD student of Electrical and Computer Engineering, at PRO-VE 2016. 

FCT Coding Fest - "Code Hour" joins Primary School Students and Teachers at FCT

FCT’s Coding Fest first edition, an FCT NOVA initiative inserted in the Portuguese Code Movement of the Secretary of State for Science and Higher Education, will be held next November 26th
