Started in the academic year 2009/2010. The minimum number of credits needed to obtain the grade is 240 (4 years).
The PhD in Materials Science and Engineering aims to provide a solid background in the field of Materials Science and Engineering and its applications. In this context, it intends to make an approximation of knowledge areas , which are of extreme importance for the industry based on knowledge and innovation, and which will, without a doubt, be the big brand of training and education of the XXI century. It is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary area of great value to all Engineering fields.
Beyond the primary objective, the now proposed PhD intends to respond to the need to have PhDs holders with a multidisciplinary comprehensive training, capable to operate in processing areas, in the functionality and design of new materials and their integration into systems and devices. They should also be able to deal with the need to advance the implementation of new techniques for processing materials, the macro and nano scales relevant to engineering. In this context fall within areas associated with: Chemical Engineering, as is the case of mesomorphs polymers and materials and their applications in various fields of industry; Electronic Engineering, such as semiconductor materials and their applications and processes of microelectronics; Mechanical, as is the case with the functionalization and processing of metallic materials, and new composite materials and glass ceramic; Metallurgical Engineering; Life Sciences, as in the case of biomaterials and tissue engineering; renewable energy, as in the case of the photovoltaic; environment, such as recycling and waste recovery, among others.
To better pursuit these objectives, there must be advanced training in this multidisciplinary field, bringing together the knowledge of cross-sectional areas to different Engineering fields, complemented with proper training in management, entrepreneurship and citizenship.
To better pursuit these objectives, there must be advanced training in this multidisciplinary field, bringing together the knowledge of cross-sectional areas to different Engineering fields, complemented with proper training in management, entrepreneurship and citizenship.
Well grounded argument capacity in the most current scientific knowledge.
Conscious attitude on science and social ethics issues.
Proactive approach in knowledge transfer 'from the laboratory to industry'.
Responsible attitude in sustainability issues of associated technologies and materials applications.
Good articulation between joint work group work and individual initiatives.
Good experimental work planning, execution and analysis.
Advanced knowledge of Materials Science and Engineering.
Habit of keeping track regarding the frontiers of knowledge.
Capacity to implemente innovative solutions to complex problems in Materials Engineering.
Integrated and critical view of science and engineering materials and their applications.
Complete domain of methods and ability to conduct research.
Students concluding this PhD will have adequate training to continue their research or research and development in public and private institutions or to create their own companies.
Various industries (ceramics and glass, polymers and molds, automotive and aerospace, engineering, electronics and computers, etc.) in the area of R & D, Research and Education, Consulting, Entrepreneurship.
mixed (daytime and/or tutorial)
Portuguese students:
2 750 Euros/ year
Foreign students:
2 750 Euros/ year
1st phase: 11th march to 5th april 2024
2nd phase: 3rd to 28th june 2024
3rd phase: 19th August to 6th September 2024
4th phase: 08th to 31st january 2025
Vacancies for 2024/2025:
Admission rules:
The applicant must meet at least one of the conditions expressed in the following points:
The recognition referred to in subparagraphs 2) and 3) of the above conditions:
Will be based on recommendations issued by two Professors or PhD researchers, considered experts in the scientific field of the application, and that are appointed by the Scientific Committee of the corresponding doctoral program;
Does not confer on its holder the equivalence to the bachelor's degree or master or his recognition.
Place and application:
on-line application
Necessary documentation for the application process:
Qualifications certificate listing the obtained grades;
Candidates will be selected taking into account following criteria:
a. Academic and scientific curriculum;
b. Professional curriculum;
c. A text with a maximum of 5 pages indicating the research topic you are interested in deepening.
The application process can include an individual interview in order to clarify the candidate’s intentions, interests and motivations.
Course coordinator:
Professor João Paulo Borges
The Department of Materials Science (DCM), NOVA School of Science and Technology, was the first to be created nationally in 1976 at the initiative of its first president, Prof. Leopoldo Guimarães. The initial aim was to create university extension courses in the field of materials leading to the creation of a root degree covering a wide range of scientific areas, including metallurgy, semiconductor materials, polymeric materials and mesomorph, ceramic materials and crystals, crystal chemistry and quality control.
Since then the Department of Materials Science has grown and diversified its activities, mainly due to the efforts of its faculty and staff, embodied in a large number of projects (academic and industrial) funded by National, European and International authorities. This allowed its modern adaptation to new technologies, providing for such a unique laboratory infrastructure in Portugal, for teaching and research, internationally recognized and that has allowed to form Material Science Engineers of high scientific quality , able to respond to current society's demands.
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