Became operational in the academic year 2009/2010. The minimum number of credits for the degree is 240 ECTS (4 years). PhD Programme sponsored by FCT-MCTES.
This PhD program proposed under the Bologna process aims to provide specialized training with high quality standards in the basic and applied areas of Conservation and in the Conservation-Restoration Sciences. The doctoral degree in Conservation and Restoration is given in the specialties of "Conservation Sciences" and "Theory, History and Techniques".
The main objectives of the PhD project are the preparation and presentation of a really original and innovative consistent work. Research proposals that require far more than four years to be carried out will not be accepted. Based on individual supervision, where each doctoral student has a scientific advisor, is intended to provide doctoral students: ability to carry out research respecting the requirements imposed by the academic quality and integrity; leadership in conservation of cultural property; communicate with their peers, the academic community and society in general on the area of specialization; to promote the academic and or professional contexts, technological, social or cultural progress.
The study cycle is 240 ECTS and has a normal length of eight (8) semesters of student’s work, corresponding the first semester to the curricular component (PhD course) and 3 years to the research component.
It is now generally agreed that training in conservation and restoration should achieve higher levels of study, including a master's degree and a doctorate. Although internationally there exist a limited number of doctoral programs, the tendency is to encourage advanced training. These will be the future of world leaders or leading teams in major museums and cultural institutions and in the coordination of national and international projects, and creating business for the twenty-first century. Doctors in Conservation and Restoration will further career opportunities in research centers or research and development associated with public and private institutions, whether in the field of conservation and restoration, both in the management and promotion of heritage, and in higher education institutions.
Portuguese students:
Foreign students:
1st phase: 11th march to 5th april 2024
2nd phase: 3rd to 28th june 2024
3rd phase: 19th August to 6th September 2024
4th phase: 08th to 31st january 2025
Vacancies for 2024/2025:
Admission rules:
Applicants to the course must meet the conditions of access and enrollment in doctoral programs indicated in NOVA FCT General Regulations for doctoral programs, satisfying one of the following points:
a) Holders of master's degree or legal equivalent;
b) Bachelor's degree holders and holders of a particularly relevant academic or scientific curriculum recognized as attesting the capacity to accomplish this cycle of studies by the Scientific Council;
c) Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognized as attesting the capacity to accomplish this cycle of studies by the Scientific Council.
Documentation for the on line application process::
Qualifications certificate listing the obtained grades;
Curriculum vitae.
Candidate’s selection is responsibility of the Scientific Committee through the examination of the submitted documentation. Potentially eligible applicants may be called for an interview.
Course coordinator:
Professor Maria João Seixas de Melo
The Department of Conservation and Restoration of NOVA School of Science and Technology has the mission of teaching and research in the area of Heritage, promoting its knowledge, conservation and enjoyment.
The teaching staff with interdisciplinary skills and the properly equipped laboratories contribute to the creation of learning and research environments in the different areas of knowledge linked to conservation, considered in its relationship between theory and practice.
The established network of national and international collaborations and partnerships enables the development of stimulating projects, with recognized merit and also the creation of unique opportunities for internships and professional outings.
DCR believes that sharing the enthusiasm for heritage conservation among teachers and students is its main commitment.
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