The School embraces sustainability as one of its commitments and has been implementing measures to encourage and inspire the community to be more conscious and engaged.
The team competed with its latest car: the FS FENIX EVO, presented in June this year.
Este semestre a Escola acolhe 300 alunos, um aumento de 50% face ao ano anterior.
Os lugares foram insuficientes para tantos alunos, entusiasmados com o início do seu percurso académico no Campus de Caparica.
This partnership, which will last for three years, aims to promote and boost the development of Science, Engineering and Technology in Portugal by supporting teaching and research.
The NOVA FCT project aims to develop new technologies to mitigate the loss of muscle power in astronauts.
This informative and welcoming session aims to facilitate the process of integrating these students into the School and the city of Almada.
The students were part of the national university canoeing team that returned from the World University Canoeing Championship with a new record of medals.
The increase in filled positions and the rise in the average grades of applicants to NOVA FCT are the main outcomes of the first phase of university admissions.
The student will now have the opportunity to conduct research in Biological Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University.
These new hires will join the NOVA FCT community, contributing to the development of Science, Engineering, and Technology in both research and teaching.
Nine teams competed in this edition and the winners were announced on 31 July.