


According to the published list, NOVA is one of the 400 best universities in the world, out of a universe of 1500. 


Fulbright Programme grants offer Portuguese students and professors the opportunity to study, teach, or conduct research in the United States of America, and American students and professors the opportunity to engage in similar activities in Portugal.


As bolsas do Programa Fulbright oferecem a estudantes e professores portugueses a oportunidade de estudar, lecionar ou fazer investigação nos Estados Unidos da América, bem como a estudantes e professores americanos a oportunidade de desenvolver o mesmo tipo de atividades em Portugal.


This year's Teacher of the Year went to Cláudio Fernandes, from the Department of Mathmatics.


‘NuLit's distinction not only shows the dedication and commitment of all its members, but also praises our faculty by demonstrating our students’ interest and passion for literature,’ said José Paulo Santos, Vice-Dean for the Scientific Council.


On 25 and 26 May, the National University Outdoor Track Championships took place in Beja, where our student athletes delivered remarkable performances.


There are more than 30 highly qualified training proposals, with renowned teaching and research staff and access to state-of-the-art laboratories that will allow to explore scientific and technological skills that are important for a successful career and a competitive position in the market.


 Our volunteers have helped to ensure that this action can reach more than 360,000 people in financial difficulty.


 ‘This will always be your home. Whenever you want to debate new scientific approaches, research hypotheses, participate in the construction of academic knowledge, we are here to welcome you with open arm", said the Dean.


The student won the award with her dissertation ‘Algorithms for physical layer authentication’. 


The award confirms the professor's strong influence on scientific dissemination and the public's perception of the importance of science for social development.


Com este aumento da equipa docente e de investigação, reforçamos o nosso compromisso com esta missão", foram estas as palavras proferidas pelo Diretor da NOVA FCT, José Júlio Alferes, para dar início a mais uma Cerimónia de Assinatura de Contratos.
